- You can always return here by clicking on FLASHBACK,
or click CONTINUE STORY to go to the next page in the sequence.
- The numeric sequence below is the order in which episodes were presented on the Internet, and is included purely for convenience - it does not indicate a Linear Reality
- For those familiar with computer networking, CONTINUE STORY is the Daisy Chain
reality (caution: our story is not truly linear), while FLASHBACK selects a Star Topology (make your own linearity or lack thereof).
- The Blood Club
- The Visitor
- The Workplace
- The Street
- Messengers
- The Cave
- News of the Day
- Bathed in the Blood
- The Congeries
- The Pesticide Warehouse
- Ascension
Program: Production Credits - Synopsis -
V1.2 Updated 5/26/97 -
This is a historical work that first appeared on the Internet in 1996